Are you thinking of buying a pet lizard? If you are you have probably heard about bearded dragons. They are one of the most popular lizards in the world. They are popular but are they the best pet lizard?
Bearded Dragons are considered to be the best pet lizard by many people. They are easy to take care of and their docile nature makes them easy and fun to handle. Even for children.
Let’s look into why they are so popular and why a bearded dragon just may be the best pet lizard for you!
Before we get into why bearded dragons make such good pets lets learn a little more about them.
The bearded dragon is a medium to small sized heavy bodied lizard from Australia. They are from the genus pogonas which contains eight lizard species.
Captive bread dragons have an average life span of about 6-10 years. The term “bearded” refers to their throat which they can splay out like a fan and can also turn colors. Usually only when they feel threatened.

These lizards are well known in the reptile industry and are usually found on most “top 5 pet lizard” lists. So, let’s jump right in! Below you will find a list of several reasons bearded dragons just might be the best pet lizard. I’ve also included a few considerations you should be aware of. Let’s take a closer look at each one.
Bearded Dragons Are:
- Affordable
- Relatively easy to care for
- Manageable in size
- Friendly, docile with lots of personality
- Easy and fun to handle
- Have a really cool name for a lizard
- Extremely interesting to look at
- Require special lighting
- Require larger sized enclosures
- Overall cost for initial setup can be expensive
Bearded dragons are generally widely available and easy to find. Prices for a normal looking dragon can range from about 50 to 100 US dollars. If you are interested in a more exotic colorful looking dragon the price can easily be several times that. Which is still pretty affordable compared to some of the ball python morphs on the market.
You can find them in most pet shops, at reptile expos or online. We always recommend buying from a reputable breeder.
They generally care about their animals far more than any pet store (especially the large chain type pet stores). They are much more knowledgeable and usually very generous with information about how to care for your new pet.
Easy to Care For
Bearded dragons can be relatively easy to care for, if a person has the right information. Thankfully the right information is widely available.
The purpose of this article is not to fully outline how to care for your dragon but here are a few basics to give you an idea of what to expect.
You will need an enclosure, special lighting, a heat source, substrate, and access to food items. Usually crickets, mealworms, other insect feeders and a variety of greens. Enclosures on the larger side are required. About 40-75 gallons. The more floor space the better.
You will also need a good basking spot as well as a place to hide so your dragon feels secure. Bearded dragons like to climb so it’s a good idea to add a few branches or rock outcrops for them to explore or perch on.
Bearded dragons are generally very hardy lizards and will tolerate some mistakes but it’s best to learn all you can about how to care for one properly. Another reason we recommend buying from a breeder.
They want you to have a good experience and will usually make themselves available to help you. In addition, you can have peace of mind knowing that they are giving you correct information.
This all might sound a little complicated at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty straight forward.
If you provide a good-sized enclosure, proper lighting, temperatures and food availability you will be able to enjoy your dragon for many years to come.
Manageable Size
Bearded dragons are about 3-4 inches as babies and can grow to about 20-24 inches as adults. This gives you the perfect sized pet lizard!
When I was a kid many years ago, I spent much of my time trying to catch lizards. I grew up in California and where I lived blue belly fence lizards were the most common lizard around.
I tried and tried to find the biggest one I could. After all was said and done, the largest one I could find would still fit in one hand. A truly huge specimen was only about 8 inches long. I really liked those blue bellied lizards but I dreamed about having a larger lizard as a pet.
Compared to your typical fence lizard bearded dragons are huge! Compared to an average water monitor bearded dragons are tiny. When held in your hand, they’re just right.
Bearded dragons are large enough to be impressive and small enough for a child to handle quite easily. They are the perfect size for most people.
Friendly, Docile, Lots of Personality
Undoubtedly one of the biggest reasons bearded dragons are one of the best if not the best pet lizard is their temperament. They are usually very docile by nature.
They are the kind of pet lizard that you can take with you everywhere. It’s not uncommon to find a very large bearded dragon laying around quite content on its keeper’s shoulder or living room couch, on the countertop at a pet shop, or on the top of its cage at the breeder’s booth in a reptile expo.
On rare occasions you may come across one that is a little cantankerous but with a little consistent interaction they usually tame right down.
Bearded dragons have a reputation of being curious, friendly, energetic, calm and just downright cool.
If any lizard has a personality it’s a bearded dragon. Some have compared them to a little puppy dog. I personally wouldn’t go that far but I understand why people might say that.
Bearded dragons often appear to be happy to see you which seems quite odd for a reptile. It may just be because they think you will be feeding them when you walk in the room but I have noticed this kind of behavior even after they’ve had plenty to eat.
Speaking of eating, it never gets old watching your dragon run around the cage chasing their prey. They will also exhibit other interesting behaviors such as head bobbing and arm waving. It’s amazing to see one of these cute little lizards raise his/her arm up and way in a circular fashion.
If you want a pet lizard that is tame and personable then a bearded dragon is a very strong choice. Maybe just what you are looking for.
Easy and Fun to Handle
Along with their amazing personalities bearded dragons are easy to handle and quite fun to interact with.
As babies they tend to be more energetic and will try to get away. As they grow older, they calm down quickly and accept handling surprisingly well.
As mentioned earlier they are great for kids. If taught how to hold them properly very small children can handle bearded dragons and enjoy their pet lizard without much concern.
Of course, the more you handle your pet dragon the more your dragon will be accustomed to it. As with any lizard it’s important to support them from underneath. Don’t grip tightly. If you grip too tight, they may feel threatened and you could accidently injure them.
Allow them to walk on your hands putting one hand in front of the other one at a time until they are comfortable just hanging out.
In a very short period of time your bearded dragon will be so used to being handled and tolerate it so well you will feel like you have gained a new friend.

Really Cool Name for a Lizard!
Who wouldn’t want to be like Hiccup and Astrid flying around Berk with their dragon friends, Toothless and Stormfly? Who wouldn’t want to have a pet dragon?
When I was a kid I was fascinated with dinosaurs and dragons. I always thought it would be amazing to have one as a pet. Of course, I was never able to find one in a pet store.
Just think about how hard it would be to find an encloser big enough to house one. For that matter how much would it cost to feed? Naturally my fascination with dragons and dinosaurs stoked the fires of passion for reptiles.
There are a few lizards in the world that actually have “dragon” as part of their name. Komodo dragons, chinese water dragons, and bearded dragons are probably the most well-known.
Of the three, bearded dragons are definitely the most available and easiest to care for. Now you really can own your own pet dragon.
When they first started appearing in stores and reptile expos I wasn’t immediately interested. At the time I owned two green iguanas which I thought looked very much like dragons and were amazing lizards. Eventually the name “dragon” kept sticking out in my mind and the more I learned about how easy they are to take care of and handle I decided to get one for myself.
I wasn’t disappointed in the least. I thought it was so awesome to own a lizard actually called a dragon.
What a great name! Bearded dragon.
Extremely Interesting to Look At
Bearded dragons definitely have their own unique appearance that certainly make them dragon-like. They have huge broad heads sporting various kinds of scales. Their round eyes are set forward and near the top of their heads.
Their throats are lined with longer scales that look a lot like spikes or horns contributing to the appearance of a beard. They can spread their throats out like a fan. A fan lined with spikes.
Pointing back toward their tails and positioned at the back of their heads are more longer scales that look very hornlike. They are covered with rough but small spiny scales like armor on their backs, legs and tails.

Their bellies are flat and wide with more spikes lining each side. Bearded dragons tails are a little longer than their bodies. They are wide and long with a gradual taper.
Bearded dragons are also available in many different morphs. You can find the tan normal looking dragons to dragons that range in colors from yellow, red, orange to almost stark white.

All of this combined with their curious outgoing personalities make bearded dragons one of the most interesting lizards to observe.
Some Things to Consider
Now that you are ready to rush out and buy a pet dragon there are a few things you need to consider. I’ve listed them here.
- Requires special lighting
- Requires larger sized enclosures
- Overall cost for initial setup can be expensive
Special Lighting
Bearded dragons and all basking lizards need special lighting in order to be healthy. This means full spectrum UVB ultraviolet light spanning at least two thirds of the length of the cage.
This kind of lighting usually isn’t cheap but it’s necessary for dragons to grow and develop properly as it enables them to synthesize vitamin D3 and aids in calcium absorption.
Larger Enclosure Required
Baby dragons can be kept in a small 10-gallon tank but as they grow, they will require more space. This means at least a 40-gallon tank for adult dragons but preferably larger. The more space the better. Some suggest at least 75-gallons for one adult dragon.
If space is limited in your house it’s very important to take this into consideration because your dragon is going to grow very fast.
Overall Cost Can Be Expensive
Buying a new pet lizard, snake or any kind of reptile can be very exciting. Unfortunately, people often swipe their card before they are prepared to house their new pet. It is ALWAYS recommended that you have the enclosure set up BEFORE you buy your new dragon.
The cost can add up fast. You will be buying a reptile terrarium style encloser, special lighting for heat and for health. You will also need to buy substrate, things for your dragon to climb on and a place to hide.
If you are buying all these things at a pet store you could easily end up in the $200 US dollar range and that’s before you ever even buy your dragon!
There ARE ways to cut down this expense. If you are handy with tools you could construct your own enclosure. If you buy ceramic style lamp fixturesfor your lighting from the hardware store you can also save. Choosing to use paper towel as a substrate can save you even more.
These considerations aren’t meant to dissuade you but prepare you. The more information you have the easier it will be to make a decision. Keep in mind if you are going to own a pet lizard of any kind many of these considerations will be similar.
It’s always better to be prepared in advance and have at least some idea of what you are getting into than to be surprised and unprepared along the way.
If you are comfortable with all of these things what are you waiting for? You are ready for the next step. Get that cage set up and go find your pet dragon.
Is a bearded dragon the right lizard for you? We certainly love them, but that’s not a question we or anyone else can answer for you. I would encourage you to continue doing your research until you feel comfortable with a decision.
There are so many great options for a pet lizard, uromastyx, crested geckos and blue-tongue skinks to name a few.
As you can see there are so many reasons why bearded dragons are one of the very best pet lizards anyone could own. You’ll have to decide if they are the right pet lizard for YOU. We hope some of the information we’ve shared will help you make that decision.