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Hognose snakes have been available as pets for many years. I have owned snakes my entire life but never really gave hognose snakes much consideration. Recently they have caught my attention, so I decided to do some research and see if hognose snakes would make good pets. Here’s what I found.

Hognose snakes make great pet snakes and are often considered one of the best pet snakes someone can own. They are very popular, interesting to look at, easy to care for and easy to handle. Some people consider them the best pet snake available.   

So, let’s learn more about hognose snakes then talk about why they make such good pets. We will also discuss some things you should consider before buying one as a pet.

Some Facts About Hognose Snakes

  • How many kinds of hognose snakes are there?  – There are three different species of hognose snakes. Western, Eastern and Southern. Western hognose snakes are most commonly kept as pets. This includes three subspecies called plains, dusty and Mexican hognose snakes.
  • How big do they get? – Depending on the species, adult hognose snakes typically grow to about 2 feet and some larger females can reach 3 feet.  
  • How did they get their name? – Hognose snakes got their name because of their upturned nose which looks like a pig’s nose to some people. Thus, the term “hog” nose.They use their nose for digging.
  • What do they eat? – In the wild hognose snakes will eat frogs, toads, lizards, snakes, rodents, eggs and small birds.
  • Are they venomous? – Yes, Hognose snakes are actually venomous but their venom is considered harmless to humans. They have rear fangs that are used to envenomate their prey while they “chew” their food. Their venom is very specialized (more like toxic saliva) and used for eating.

More About Hognose Snakes

Now that we know a little about hognose snakes let’s talk about why they make great pets. We’ll also discuss some considerations you should keep in mind before buying one as a pet.

Hognose Snakes Are:

  • Easy to Care For
  • Easy to Handle
  • Easy to Find
  • Relatively affordable
  • Very interesting to look at
  • Have interesting behaviors


  • Can be picky eaters
  • Are venomous
  • Are more expensive than other snakes

Why Hognose Snakes Make Good Pets

Easy to Care For

Hognose snakes are very easy to care for and are sometimes recommended as good snakes for beginners. They are very hardy and will tolerate some mistakes in care.

Having said this, it is still always a good idea to learn as much as you can about how to care for any pet before you bring them home.

They are not a large snake so you will not need a huge enclosure. You can keep an adult comfortably in a 20-gallon sized enclosure.

Many keepers suggest that they do not require UVB lighting. Others argue that since they are a diurnal species that will bask in the sun for many hours, it’s best to provide full spectrum UVB lighting.

You will need to research this and go with what you are most comfortable with. Whether they need UVB lighting or not, they will require heat. 70 degrees on the cool end and up to 90 degrees on the warm side.

To achieve this, you can use an under the tank heating mat or over the tank heat lamp. Be sure to use a thermostat so the mat or light doesn’t get too hot and barbeque your pet snake!

You will also need to feed your hognose snake about once a week. This is great especially if you are a particularly busy person. Their prey items are small (usually frozen thawed mice) and easy to obtain.

You can buy several at a time and just keep them in the freezer until it’s time to feed your snake. This eliminates the need to make several trips to the pet store and makes things much more convenient and hassle free.

Remember to provide a bowl of water and change it regularly. You will also need a suitable substrate. Shredded aspen bedding is a great choice.

The above is not meant to be an extensive guide for caring for your hognose snake but we hope it gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Easy to Handle

Hognose snakes tend to be docile, curious and calm. This makes them easy to handle and another reason they are often recommended as a good beginner snake. They are not a fast-moving snake and will happily crawl through your fingers and hands exploring and flicking the air with their tongues.

They will hang out with you perfectly content for hours and hours. They are also not large snakes which makes them very manageable when handling them. 

Easy to Find

Hognose snakes are generally pretty available. They can be found in pet stores, at reptile expos, online or from a local breeder.  We always recommend buying from a breeder when possible. This will make caring for them at least initially, much easier since they will already be eating rodents.

This really depends on where you live. In some areas you are not allowed to own hognose snakes since they are considered venomous. You will need to check your local laws.

Relatively Affordable

A natural looking western hognose snake usually cost around $100 U.S. dollars and you may be able to find them for less. This is relatively less expensive compared to other popular snakes and more expensive than others.

They don’t require a large enclosure which also makes the total cost of keeping them more affordable.

Very Interesting to Look At

Hognose snakes don’t look like any other snake. They are thick bodied snakes relative to their length and have very interesting patterns. Perhaps the most interesting characteristic is their upturned hog like nose which is also the basis for their name.  

Have Interesting Behaviors

Hognose snakes have some very interesting behaviors. When they feel threatened, they can puff up and hiss. If they strike, they will most often strike with their mouth closed. This is like they are trying to punch you with their nose.

When none of this works, they will roll over and play dead.

Some Things to Consider Before Buying One

Can be Picky Eaters

In the wild hognose snakes eat a varied diet but often eat toads. In captivity they are generally kept on mice. They will sometimes be picky eaters and will go off food for long periods of time. This can be very concerning and frustrating for some keepers.

Are Venomous

As mentioned above hognose snakes are actually venomous. They are not harmful to humans and are not known to bite. Usually they will play dead before they actually try to bite.  

If you every actually got bit by one the reaction would be somewhat similar to a mild bee sting. With that said, everyone reacts differently to venom.

Since hognose snakes are actually venomous you may not be able to get one at all. Some areas will not allow you to keep them. So, you will need to check your local laws.

Are More Expensive Than Other Snakes

When it comes to pet snakes and all the options that are available, hognose snakes are actually pretty affordable.  However, if your budget is tight there are certainly other choices that are more affordable like a corn snake or king snake.


Hognose snakes make great pet snakes. Some say they are one of the best pet snakes you could possibly get. They are interesting to look at, not overly large and easy to care for.  They are also calm, curious and easy to handle.

For all of these reasons, hognose snakes are very popular pet snakes. If you are considering a hognose snake as a pet, we hope this information has been helpful.