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Are Green Tree Pythons Good Pets?

I’ve always been fascinated by green tree pythons. There is just something so cool about a green jungle snake! The kind of exotic reptile that you may only ever see in videos or a zoo. I’ve always thought it would be so cool to have one as a pet. It’s amazing that you...

Are Pet Snakes Dangerous?

Is your son or daughter asking for a pet snake? You may be finding yourself identifying with Indiana Jones in the Raiders of the Lost Ark when he said, “Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?” Why couldn’t they be asking for a hamster? You want to teach your child...

How Long Do Lizards Live in Captivity? (25 Examples)

If you are thinking about buying a pet lizard one thing to consider is how long they might live. This is certainly something to think about especially if you have any life-changing plans coming up like going off to school.  Or moving across the country. How long will...

Are Australian Water Dragons Good Pets?

Australian water dragons are becoming more and more popular in the pet industry. My friend had a Chinese water dragon when we were younger. I always thought it was an interesting lizard and I am somewhat familiar with how they are as pets. What about Australian water...

How Long Does It Take for Lizard Eggs to Hatch?

Have you ever thought about breeding your pet lizards? I had a pair of green iguanas once and thought someday I would try breeding them. I also thought about breeding bearded dragons. So far, I haven’t gotten into breeding lizards but it makes me wonder. How long does...

Do Tokay Geckos Make Good Pets?

I was in the pet store and saw something I had never seen before, a very large gecko with light gray skin covered in orange rust-colored spots. He had a giant head and large eyes.  He was stuck to the side of the wall like spiderman and facing downward as if...
Are Burmese Pythons Good Pets?

Are Burmese Pythons Good Pets?

Have you ever thought it would be awesome to own a huge pet snake? I have owned boas which can get pretty big but I’ve never owned a truly giant snake, like a Burmese python.  I’ve been thinking about this lately and it has me wondering. Are Burmese pythons good pets?...

Do Hognose Snakes Make Good Pets? (With Pics)

Do Hognose Snakes Make Good Pets? (With Pics)

Hognose snakes have been available as pets for many years. I have owned snakes my entire life but never really gave hognose snakes much consideration. Recently they have caught my attention, so I decided to do some research and see if hognose snakes would make good...

Do Argentine Black and White Tegus Make Good Pets?

Do Argentine Black and White Tegus Make Good Pets?

Argentine black and white tegus are large impressive, interesting lizards that have been available as pets for many years. Recently they have caught my interest and I was thinking maybe one could be my next pet lizard. So, I decided to do a little research. So, do...

Do Carpet Pythons Make Good Pets?

Do Carpet Pythons Make Good Pets?

I have kept snakes as pets for most of my life. One snake that I have always been interested in, but have never owned, is a carpet python. I have recently been thinking about them again so I decided to do some research. So, do they make good pets? Carpet Pythons are a...

Do Milk Snakes Make Good Pets for Beginners?

Do Milk Snakes Make Good Pets for Beginners?

Milk snakes make great pet snakes especially for beginners. They are affordable and easy to take care of. They don’t get too big, are non-venomous, tame and easy to handle even for children. They are beautiful, docile snakes that are available in many different colors and patterns.

Do Green Iguanas Make Good Pets?

Do Green Iguanas Make Good Pets?

When I was young, I used to dream of owning a pet dragon. That’s one thing that inspired the name of this site. When I first saw a full-grown green iguana, I was in awe. I knew that someday I needed to own one. My very own pet dragon! So, do green iguanas make good pets?